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  • nethmi44

SAT Celebrates Fifteen Years!

Updated: Jun 19

Facta, Non-Verba

We celebrated a major milestone of completing fifteen years of actions speaking louder than words on 01st April 2024. To commemorate this occasion, we hosted everyone who has been a part of this memorable journey for an evening of celebration on the 30th of April 2024 at the Hilton Colombo.

The event was attended by many of our customers, partners, principals, bankers, well wishes and past employees for whom this event was truly dedicated for as it celebrated partnerships, companionship and mostly friendship.


The evening was hosted by all of the CEO’s of our subsidiaries while a warm and exciting welcome was delivered by our Group CEO, Mr. Sanjaya Padmaperuma emphasizing the journey and the highs and lows which was indeed a roller-coaster of emotions for everyone.


It was then time for an entertaining act from our Director Mr. Feroze Kamardeen where he demonstrated an “Outsider’s Point of View from an Insider’s Perspective” where we all shared a good laugh.


In commemoration of this memorable occasion, a choir was formed from a few of our own employees who proudly cam together to sing “Facta, Non-Verba” the SAT song written by our Director Mr. Feroze Kamardeen himself.


It was incredible to have had a number of employees who has been with SAT for more than ten years and in appreciation of their service, they were awarded with a token of appreciation.


The dance floor was then open to groove for the music of Misty and Freeze. We also had the the dynamic duo Bathiya and Santhush to conclude a very memorable night.



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Facta Non Verba

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